Careermen:Explosion-proof Type Pressure Gauge with Electrical Contact

The Explosion-proof Type(類型) Pressure Gauge(壓力表) with Electrical Contact is designed according to the national standard “Electric Equipment in Explosive Gas Atmosphere”, i.e. Part I Common Requirements of
GB3836.1-2000, Part II the related regulation of GB 3836.2-2000 for explosion-proof type “d” products and relative industrial standards, and JB/T9273-1999 requirements for “Pressure Gauge With Electrical Contact”.
Meanwhile it is manufactured as per the approved drawing and technical documents approved by the national stated inspection institution.
I. Purpose(用途)
The explosion-proof marks for Explosion-proof Type Pressure Gauge with Electrical Contact are as below: ExdIIC T4 (in which the Ex stands for mark, d stands for explosion-proof, IIC stands for category and T4 stands for temperature arrangement),
which is applicable to the explosive gas environment with media pressure at 70 ℃ and below measured temperature.
The explosion-proof Type Pressure Gauge(壓力表) with Electrical Contact is equipped with multi functions as automatic control, alarm, signal distant transfer and other functions for the measured pressure with the help of the electric signal equipment and electrical equipment with the related explosion-proof performance for. The grade of gauge case is for IP65.
II. Gauge Structure and Explosion-proof Principle
The gauge is composed of explosion-proof case and build-in pressure gauge with electrical contact. When the flammable gas mix in gauge case explodes caused
by the spark or electric arc (generally caused by the electric signal device with pressure gauge with electrical contact),
the explosive gas outside the case won’t explode accordingly, thus achieving the explosion-proof purpose.
IV. Operation, Maintenance and Inspection
Gauge Installation: the ambient temperature shall be between -40℃ and 70℃, with sea-level height shall not above 2000m (atmospheric pressure for 0.08-0.11Mpa). The gauge shall be installed vertically, being horizontal to the measuring point.
After the completion of the gauge electric line, screw the clamp nuts, take careful inspection and perform test run.
In case of measuring the steady pressure, the gauge may be turned to 3/4 of the upper limit; in case of measuring the alternating pressure, the gauge may be turned to 2/3 of the upper limit; in case of measuring the negative pressure, there is no such limit.
The power source shall be cut off before opening the outlet box or adjusting the upper or lower limit.
Under the normal application circumstance, the gauge shall be inspected regularly, i.e. once at least every six months. Should there be a sudden deterioration of the gauge (pressure relief for corrugate pipe leakage; fusion welding or severe oxidation of the contact highly influence the reliability of wire connection and disconnection; loosening or malfunction of the needles), the gauge shall be inspected or replaced immediately.
The gauge shall be kept in dry and clean place during the process of operation.
The reliability of the explosion-proof gauge mainly depends on the bearing strength of the case and the quality of the explosion-proof surface. Therefore, pay much attention to the explosion-proof surface and avoid collision and scuffing during the process of installation, operation and maintenance, specially as disassembling the wiring box or performing the overall maintenance. It is forbidden to paint on the explosion-proof surface.
In case of having a vague understanding of the basic knowledge of the explosion-proof gauge or its design features or requirements, the user shall not perform assembling or refitting works at own will. Otherwise, thus may influence the performance of the gauge. Under such circumstance, the gauge may be sent back to our factory for maintenance if necessary.


  • 壓力表,熱電偶,熱電阻,壓力變送器,
  • 壓力表,熱電偶,熱電阻,壓力變送器,